BBest Community

Join our directory

If you wish to join our directory, please complete the below request form. 

It is FREE to be listed on our website, however we cannot guarantee that your request will be accepted. We will review all listings on a 6-monthly basis to ensure the information you provided is up to date. 

If you have any questions at all then please e-mail us on


Please complete all fields marked (*)

Please ensure your provide a valid e-mail address. How else can people contact you to join/enquire about your services?

Where do you operate? Which area do you cover? Please note that our focus are Batley, Birstall and the surrounding areas.

Please provide your website address and links to your Facebook and Twitter profiles. Is there any other way people can learn about you and your offer/activities?

Who is your target audience - children, adults, families...? What is your focus - sports, mental health, career advice...? Please be as accurate and detailed as possible.

Please provide detailed information on what it is that you offer or do. This will be your directory entry. Please keep this to 4 lines long.

Please e-mail your high quality logo to us so we can include it in your listing. Feel free to provide any other photos, leaflets etc. which you would like included with your listing. Send them to

You confirm that the information you have provided is correct. We will be contacting you every 6 months to review your listing. You are welcome to get in touch if your listing needs amending or you wish to have it removed from our website. We reserve the right to remove your listing at any time.