BBest Community

08/02/2024 Noticeboard

The Batley and Spen Noticeboard is a weekly local community update – a collation of promotional items about forthcoming events, information about local community groups and their activities and resources available to local residents. It will be published on the BBESTHUB.UK website, on social media and sent directly to subscriber’s inboxes.
We want to support our local community so that they have access to timely, relevant information which highlights the breadth of activities, organisations and resources in the Batley and Spen area. 

We welcome your feedback on this newsletter.
Please scan the QR code or click here to leave your comments.

We welcome your feedback on this newsletter.
Please scan the QR code or click here to leave your comments.

Copyright © 2023 BBEST Community Hub CIC. All rights reserved.

Please note: the Noticeboard is purely a facilitator for third party information. We do do not endorse nor assure the accuracy of the information provided by contributors. Should you have any queries, please contact the relevant supplier/administrator directly.